Profile of male student doing an experiment


Program Overview

The Cornell LSAMP Scholars Program for current Cornell students is a pathway for undergraduate STEM majors seeking assistance with preparing for graduate school admissions as well as obtaining strategies that maximize their competitiveness for graduate study. Participants attend workshops and events that introduce as well as thoroughly cover topics such as:

  • General Record Examinations (GRE)
  • Graduate School Application Process & Timelines
  • Personal Statements
  • Letters of Recommendations
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Graduate School Financial Support (Fellowships & Assistantships)

If you are not enrolled at Cornell, please visit our Research Opportunities page for other areas of interest.

LSAMP Scholars Benefits

  • Modest stipend for professional development, graduate school entrance exams, research materials, etc.
  • Priority consideration for the Cornell LSAMP Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (LSAMP REU)
  • Graduate application waiver(s) (Cornell & other universities)
  • Reduced registration fee for the GRE (must attend a GEM GRAD Lab)
  • Research internship opportunities
  • Access to LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship(s) offering up to $30,000/yr for two years of graduate study plus tuition & fees
  • Participation in Upstate & National LSAMP events
  • Participation in professional conferences and meetings
  • Network to professional opportunities
  • Recognition at the Office of Inclusive Excellence Annual Awards Banquet

Scholar Participant Expectations

  • Attend LSAMP workshops and events
  • Be a member in a professional organization within a STEM discipline each year of participation in LSAMP (recommended)
  • Attend a GEM GRAD Lab by graduating year
  • Attend a professional or academic conference by graduating year
  • Apply for research experiences on campus and off-campus each year of participation in LSAMP
  • Have one or more terms of research experience by graduating year
  • Apply for GEM Fellowship in senior year
  • Apply for admission to at least one LSAMP Bridge to Doctorate institution